Regional Communications: The RVP Bulletin

January 15, 2018 • News • January 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 1

Written By: Central Region RVP Greg Doering, MPM® RMP®

Connecting the expanding NARPM® membership one region at a time.

As I close out the first year of a two-year term as the Regional Vice President of the Central Region, I am reminded of the privilege to serve and associate with so many fine individuals. This year has blown past in rapid speed. What has been such an eye opener is how every Chapter has its own unique gift in serving its local membership. I believe that is one of the many gifts NARPM® offers the membership. Each Chapter and the local Boards have the freedom to decide what is best for its Members. Chapters selected the educational class that would benefit their Members. I am proud that every Chapter in the Central Region sponsored an educational class. These classes allowed local Property Managers to become more educated in running their business, gain confidence, and increase in professionalism.

Last year’s NARPM® Membership Survey indicated that the Members desired more opportunities to attend educational courses. The Members spoke, and the local Chapters delivered. Now, that is meeting Members’ needs! A huge thank you to all the local Education Committees and Boards for achieving our goal across the Region.

I love that each NARPM® Chapter has the independence to do its own thing. For example, some Chapters meet every month, a few choose to meet every other month, some hold their meetings in the morning, and others meet for lunch. I’ve attended a meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas that meets in the side room of a pizza joint, while the Ft. Worth Chapter meetings are held at a country club. It’s the local Members and the local Boards that make it work, resulting in creating value for our Members. All of this pays off because we have Members and leaders that care about our profession.

I have found the opposite to be true when the local Members sit on the sideline and don’t join in. Years ago, I was nominated to the Austin Chapter Board by NARPM® 2016 Past President, Bart Sturzl, MPM® RMP®. I had been a NARPM® Member less than a year and managed very few properties, and was a little intimidated by most of the professionals. As it turned out most, if not all, of the professionals wanted me to grow and be successful, not only as a Board Member, but as a professional Property Manager. It was a terrifically rewarding and valuable experience. If you have not served on a local Committee or Board, I challenge you to consider doing so this next year. Following this year’s theme, why not #GetINvolved? It is not as intimidating as you think. Keep in mind, the Members want you to succeed. If you don’t know where to start, email me at and I will find a mentor to assist you in becoming more active. NARPM® works because of its Members and you can contribute to your local Chapter and your personal business success by joining in

A big success and very proud moment for me personally, was after Hurricane Harvey struck Texas. Although you may have seen the news reports of the devastation from the storm, it is hard to grasp the true impact. Within just a few days, the hurricane created the eighth largest lake in the United States. Trillions of gallons of floodwaters poured into Houston and the surrounding areas. The Houston Chapter jumped in to help one another. Members called Members, offering to split geographic areas to conduct occupancy checks.

Throughout the Region, Chapters sent equipment, water, and offers of help. Several Houston Members told me that they received calls from NARPM® Members all over the country offering assistance. I love this organization, as this truly was friends helping friends.

You are all invited to NARPM® Texas Style Conference in Austin, Texas on February 8-9, 2018. Essential of Risk Management and Personnel Procedures Essentials – Hiring Your First Assistant education courses on February 7, and the NARPM® Ethics course on February 8. This will be one of the best events to attend. The new Texas State Chapter-in-Formation (CIF) has been working diligently to ensure this will be one of the finest Texas Style Conferences to date. This year, I am expecting a record turn out and am confident NARPM® 2016 Past President, Bart Sturzl, MPM® RMP®, is going to lose his wager regarding attendance numbers with Texas State CIF President James Alderson, MPM® RMP®. Hope to see you there. I am looking forward to 2018. The Region is getting stronger as many of our Chapters have sent not only the incoming Chapter Presidents to Leadership Training, but most have also sent their 2019 President-Elects. I believe this shows the level of commitment to training and the investment in our local Chapters that an only produce a stronger foundation at the Chapter level. It is this commitment that ensures we are meeting the needs of our membership.

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Residential Resources: January 2018 Issue: Volume 29, Number 1

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