NARPM Education Demonstrates a Level of Professional Expertise

August 1, 2017 • Residential Resource • August 2017 Issue | Volumn 28 | Number 8

Are You a #NARPMSmart Property Manager?

Evelyn Edwards, RMP®, knows the benefits that becoming #NARPMSmart have provided for her San Antonio, Texas property management company, Evey Edwards Group, LLC. “Whether it is [learning] how to retain employees, how to grow your business, for better accounting procedures, or for maintenance concerns,” Evey explains, “at the end of the day, we are not alone [through NARPM classes], as there is a wealth of experience and knowledgeable people to whom you can turn.”

After becoming a NARPM® Member in 2008, Evey learned her RMP Designation in December 2016. In her experience, not only is being a member of NARPM® important, but earning a designation is helpful when meeting with clients. “Any time you take classes, whether for renewing licenses or to secure a designation,” Evey says, “You are always learning something new that can better your business practices and processes.”

According to Evey, a key part of success in the industry is to make sure you and your business team stay #NARPMSmart. Recent figures from a joint NARPM and Buildium survey show that our members average $100K to $500K annual gross revenue compared to less than $100K earned by their non-member counterparts.

In fact, more members expect to see significant growth in their portfolio in the next two years, compared to non-members. All of this contributes to an important lesson that Evey shares with other industry professionals, “Keep learning, keep improving, and you will succeed!”

“I am always very impressed with the quality of instructors and education that NARPM® provides,” Evey states when asked how her education has influenced her daily business. “It makes you want to strive to provide a higher level of professionalism in your day-to-day business.” This difference shows in her company’s insistence on offering superior property management services to every client and achieving “Excellence In Every Move!” The company boasts an extensive portfolio of single-family homes, townhouses, duplexes, and four-unit complexes in the San Antonio, Texas area.

In Evey’s words, “If you’re thinking about taking classes or earning a designation or certificate through NARPM®, totally go for it! If you are serious about your property management business, and if you want your staff to be the best they can be, get them interested and excited, and get them to sign up.”

Get serious about the success of your career and business by becoming #NARPMSmart. Start now by visiting:

Are you #NARPMSmart?

Current editions of the award-winning Residential Resources magazine is sent eleven times a year to members. Join NARPM to receive all of the benefits of membership and receive current editions.

Residential Resources: August 2017 Issue: Volume 28, Number 8

Copyright © 2024 National Association of Residential Property Managers®. All Rights Reserved. Do not reprint without permission.


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