Rent vs Sell Calculator


Home Value Enter how much you think the house would sell for - NOT the asking price


Price Paid Price paid


Original Mortgage Enter the amount of your original mortgage loan amount


Mortgage Balance Enter the current balance owed on your mortgage loan


Interest Rate Mortgage interest Rate
Enter the current interest rate on your loan


Mortgage Payment This amount is calculated automatically. If your actual Principal and Interest payment differs from this amount, add or subtract the difference in the next box


Mortgage Difference


Taxes, Ins, Comn Charges Enter the annual cost of property taxes, insurance and any common charges or association dues for your property.


Monthly Rent Enter or estimate the amount of monthly rent you can get for your property


Appreciation Rate Enter the % of average annual home price increase/decrease you expect to realize over your holding period.
For current forecasts, see more


Years to Hold Enter a number between 1 and 50
This is your time horizon. i.e. I want to see if it's better to sell now or later, and the impact that this decision has on my wealth


Show Advanced inputs

Make-Ready Costs Amnt spent on refurbishing - used in the capital gains tax calc


Mortgage Term Enter the term in months of your mortgage. Most mortgages are 360 months (30 years)


Transfer costs now Enter as a % of your sales price such costs as excise taxes, filing fees or other closing costs


Transfer costs later Enter as a % of your sales price estimated future costs such as excise taxes, filing fees or other closing costs


Prepayment Penalty There may be a loan prepayment penalty. Enter as a % of outstanding loan amount


Property Management Fee Enter as a % of annual rents the costs to manage your property. Professional management will insure better results in most cases.


Occupancy Rate Properties are rarely rented out 100% of the time. Often in between rentals, time is taken to redecorate, and to look for a new tenant.


Tax rate on rental "profit" (if any) If you have income from the rental it will be subject to taxation at your ordinary tax rate. Losses may be dedcutible also.


Effective Capital Gains Tax Any gain from sale will be taxed if property does not quality for primary residence exclusion.


Selling Costs Costs such as brokerage commsion or other selling costs as % of sales price.


fter tax re-investment rate Investment rate
Enter the rate of return you could have by investing in Bond/Shares OR if you have an outstanding loan, this is the loan rate assuming you use the proceeds from the sale of your property to pay off loans.


Annual Maintenance Costs Costs as a % of home value for repairs, upkeep, etc.


Annual Change in Rents Annual Change in Rents
Expected annual rent increases.


Show Instructions
  • Complete the input boxes as described. Once all required inputs are complete, the Rent vs Sell calculator will automatically calculate your answer.
  • Use the links when available to find the data requested if you don't already have that information.
  • Select the ? Icon next to the input label to learn more about the requested data.
  • Refresh the model to return all advanced inputs to default amounts.

Rent vs Sell Calculator, Should I Sell My House?

Input values in the calculator on the left to get a quick read on the financial viability of renting or selling your house.

Note: The “Years to Hold” (whichever number of years you choose) is considered the year that the property would be sold. This raises the “Other Costs” in that year to show the client how much they would be paying to sell (selling costs, pay back depreciation, capital gains, etc.). Thus, the "Other Costs" increase significantly if a person were to sell their property in the chosen year.

If you (Rent Out/Sell Now) your property, you'll have $(value) more wealth in (year) years

RentRent sellSell
Rental Income
Mortgage Expense
Other Costs
Net Cash Flow
House Value
House Equity
Wealth (Rent Out)
Wealth (Sell Now)
Difference in Wealth
(Rent Out to Sell Now)
1 - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Please seek professional advice if needed.

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