Ambassadors - National Association of Residential Property Managers


Download the RVP Ambassador Nomination Form.

Bridging the Gap Between Members & Momentum

What is an Ambassador?

The Ambassador is a representative at the chapter level, who volunteers their time to serve as a liaison between the Regional Vice President (RVP) and the chapter.

The Ambassador approach is to have someone trained to assist the RVP with their various duties. RVP’s are required to use their team members to cover the regions geographical area and work with chapters. This team will consist of professional members from different Chapters spread throughout the Region. The team members will travel as needed to assure that chapters are supported.

What does an Ambassador do?

The ambassador‘s primary roles are to provide support to the RVP and the chapters in the areas of chapter growth and sustainability as well as to strengthen the connection with new and first-year members to create welcoming environments in which they can thrive as members.

What is the purpose of an Ambassador program?

This program was designed to ensure that members and potential members are having their needs met and are gaining value from their membership. It is also designed to give individual NARPM® members’ opportunities to become more involved in the NARPM® organization.

By distributing some of the “administrative” tasks necessary to keep our NARPM® organization efficient and growing, we provide our members with an opportunity to have more ownership within the organization, develop more meaningful relationships, and allow the RVPs to focus their time on training and directly impacting their regions.

If needed, Ambassadors shall be the transition person when the RVP term changes. This Ambassador will help with continuity within the region and will help the new RVP. Also, this position will assist in grooming future leaders by preparing the Ambassador to possibly apply for a Board position along with assisting in transitioning a new RVP. The Ambassador will also give NARPM® someone to fill in, should something should happen to RVP, while waiting for Board of Directors approval of a replacement.

Benefits of being an Ambassador

  • Increased networking opportunities including:

 Connecting one-on-one with new and existing NARPM® members
Potential for increased referral opportunities through other Ambassadors and members

  • Heightened visibility to develop business contacts through association with other volunteers and NARPM® members.
  • —Opportunity to affect change within your local business community
  • —Opportunity to help your local/regional chapters show their NARPM® community pride
  • —Opportunity to get insider’s perspective of what’s going on in NARPM® and in your region
  • — Opportunity to lead and impact the development of our industry
  • — Increased education through special Ambassador trainings and mentoring
  • —Increased knowledge of NARPM® benefits and services
  • —Opportunity that may lead to larger leadership role(s) within NARPM®
  • — Lasting business relationships and friendships
  • — Recognition at NARPM® events
  • — Build Relationships
  • — Ultimately, create a culture of connections

Ambassador Requirements

Not everyone can be a “right fit” for every position, would you agree? Therefore, not just anyone can be an Ambassador for NARPM®. In an effort to ensure that we have the right people in the right positions we have created a list of the qualifications we feel are necessary to not only fulfill the role, but to also be a “right fit” for the position.

  • The Ambassador must be knowledgeable about the offerings of NARPM® as well as the inner workings of chapter leadership
  •  Must possess strong interpersonal skills and be sensitive to member/potential member needs
  •  Must attend quarterly Ambassador mentoring sessions
  •  Must attend yearly Ambassador Training
  •  Must have the ability to travel when requested to visit other chapters within the region*
  •  Make a commitment of one (1) year to the NARPM® Ambassador Program
  •  Must be able to dedicate a minimum of 5 hours hours monthly.
  •  Shall be an RMP® candidate or hold an RMP® designation.
  •  Must have served as an Officer or Director/Regional Vice President for a Region, or State, or Local Chapter. Served as a Chair and/or Vice Chair of NARPM® National Committee or Task Force; Chair of a local chapter committee; and/or served in an active capacity on a NARPM® National Committee for a minimum of two (2) years.
  •  Must be a member in good standing with NARPM®


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Ambassador Program – Creating a Culture of Connections

Ambassadors play an integral role in the continued success and future growth of the NARPM® community.

*Association policy details:

  • The RVP will approve Ambassador travel reimbursements that will be allocated in a regional travel fund that is shared by the RVP and their Ambassador. National will fund the travel line item in the budget to make sure a majority of region chapters can be visited at least once by either the RVP or the Ambassador.
  • RVPs are to use their travel budget to have the Ambassador travel on their behalf, when needed.
  • Ambassadors are to submit their expense reimbursements to the RVP for approval who will then submit to the Executive Director for final approval.

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