NARPM® PAC - National Association of Residential Property Managers


NARPM would like to thank our 2024 PAC Investors:

Major Investors
Adrianne Angel , MPM® RMP®
Keith Becker , MPM® RMP®
Brian Birdy , MPM® RMP®
Nancy Braun
Tyler Craddock
Robert Dell’Osso , RMP®
Andrew Dougill
Rick Ellis
Amber Ferrier
Ashley Ferrier , MPM® RMP®
Patricia Ferrier , MPM® RMP®
Janet Fields
Stephen Foster , MPM® RMP®
Ron Garcia
Jeannette Gordon
Mendell Gosnell
Melissa Hargreaves , MPM® RMP®
Lacy Hendricks , RMP®
Jim Hodge
Michael Hodges , MPM® RMP®
Angela Holman , MPM® RMP®
David Holmes
Helene Hopkins
Virginia Huffman
Marty Hutchison , MPM® RMP®
Regina Ingram , RMP®
Dan Jaqua
William Jeffery , RMP®
Leslie Kazen
Jason Ledell
DD Lee , MPM® RMP®
Sean Kerr , MPM® RMP®
Peter Lohmann
Kevin Mackessy
Jessica Masters
Michael McCreary , MPM® RMP®
Angela McKee
Kandy Meehan , RMP®
Michael Mengden , MPM® RMP®
Ann Milton
Mary Molina , RMP®
Cheryl Muzinich , MPM® RMP®
Charlotte NARPM
Triangle NARPM
Dawn Ostovich , MPM® RMP®
Phil Owen
Steve Pardon , MPM® RMP®
Dora Pinter , MPM® RMP®
William Robinson , RMP®
Courtney Rosen , RMP®
Steve Schultz , MPM® RMP®
David Sigler , MPM® RMP®
Natomi Sims
Karen Smith
Jennifer Spadine
David Swaim , MPM® RMP®
Dale Swiger
David Wilson
Stacy Wilson
Leuri Zibetti
Alex Zweydoff , RMP®
Capitol Contributors
Robert Alldredge , RMP®
Paula Cleveland , RMP®
Stacey Decker
Jim Eagan
Kristine Graham
Tal Kramer , MPM® RMP®
Wayne Marinik
Denny Miller , RMP®
Jan Moore
Patti Robertson , RMP®
Micky Rogers
Kevin Rose , RMP®
Yuriy Skripnichenko , MPM® RMP®
Andrea Stephenson , RMP®
John Tiner
Michael Braddon
Teresa Brown
Candice Cather
Jack Corder
Shannon Cornell , RMP®
Patricia Fernandez
Carol Ginoza
Kyle Hendricks , MPM® RMP®
Nancy Hollis
Carrie Jakeman-Swafford
Demetria Kalfas-Gordon

Scott McManus
Kristin Moreland
Gail Phillips
Steven Pierce
Paul Rich
Lisa Saunders
Melanie Thomas , MPM® RMP®
Krishna Upadhyaya , RMP®
Richard Vierra , RMP®
Charles Warren , MPM® RMP®
John Yeung
100 Club
Scott Abernathy , MPM® RMP®
Jessica Barnes Watts , RMP®
Nefetari Bladen
Eric Boyd
Michael Brennan
Nicholas Brumgard
Karen Cardoza
Michael Cardoza
Martin Carr , RMP®
Sarah Coffey
Hugh Cross , RMP®
Joel Daniels
Milton De La Cruz
Dale Dresel
Adam Eiseman
Bill Evans , MPM® RMP®
Sue Flucke
Kyle Frey
Jamie Garrett
Joshua Gillispie
Melissa Gillispie
Jamie Graham
Amy Hanson , MPM® RMP®
Richard Henderson
Lynne Irby
Andrew Johnston
Michelle Kerr
Arlene Kim-Kawamoto
Michele Kim-Nakagawa
Mark Kreditor , MPM® RMP®
Taylor Laurence
Samuel Lyles
Jill Lyons
Doris McCall
Kyle McCaw
Jenni McKenna
Cyndi Monroe , MPM® RMP®
Denise Nelson
Michael Ring
Morgan Rodin
Matthew Rogers , RMP®
Sean Rotolo
Glenn Russell
Jill Sallis
Shelby Short
David Soto
Ryan Sparrell
David Tilney
Harold Vives

NARPM PAC invest button

Many thanks to everyone for your support – continued and new – of the NARPM® PAC!



Why should I invest in NARPM® PAC?

One of the key issues affecting your business is the political environment you face every day. That is why the NARPM® Board of Directors has supported the creation of NARPM® PAC.

Like it or not, politics and regulations affect you, your family, your business, and your income. As you know, over 30% of US housing is from renters and it’s growing. When such a large population base is in our business area, politics will be there too, in the form of laws and regulations in important areas like taxation, lead paint, fair housing, rental inspections, bankruptcy laws, and companion and comfort animals.

All these issues and others will impact your business and you need to have a voice in who will make the final legislative decisions. Even if you are not a political junkie or do not follow issues in Washington DC, as a member of NARPM®, you can make a difference on our critical legislative issues. The key is to take action.

Through our Political Action Committee (NARPM® PAC), we can work together to elect candidates who support the legislative programs, initiatives, and philosophy of creating a favorable Residential Property Management business climate.

We need to communicate with our lawmakers and work to elect those who are willing to listen to our views. Investing in the National Association of Residential Property Managers’ Political Action Committee (NARPM® PAC) is one of the most effective ways that you can elect and support such lawmakers. It is also one of the smartest steps you can take to help protect the future we all share.

Contributions to NARPM® PAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from nonpermanent resident foreign nationals are prohibited by federal law. All contributions to NARPM® PAC are voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Contributions to NARPM® PAC are used for federal election purposes, and may be used in connection with state elections, as well. *A contribution in the amount of $5,000 per person is the maximum allowed per year. If this solicitation suggests a contribution in a certain amount, it is only a suggestion, and you may give more, less or not at all, and the amount given or refusal to give will not benefit or disadvantage you.

We have several investment levels.

  • Fair Share = $25.00+
  • 100 Club = $100.00+
  • Investor = $250.00+
  • Capitol Contributor = $500.00+
  • Major Investor = $1,000.00+

You have the power to make a difference; please take action today.

Click Here to make an investment in NARPM PAC

Click Here to make an investment in the NARPM Advocacy Fund


Want to know more?

Questions & Answers about the PAC.

What is NARPM® PAC? NARPM® PAC is a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated group registered with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) whose membership consists of NARPM® members and affiliates interested in protecting residential property management and the rights of property owners. The voluntary contributions NARPM® PAC receives support candidates for Congress who demonstrate support for preservation of property rights and residential property management.

Who Administers NARPM® PAC?

The NARPM® PAC Board of Trustees is responsible for all NARPM® operations and financial transactions. View the list of current Trustees.

* Where do my NARPM® PAC dollars go and what is a “Personal” contribution vs a “Corporate” contribution?

The voluntary contributions NARPM® PAC receives support candidates for federal office who demonstrate support for preservation of property rights and residential property management. We can only accept personal contributions. All corporate contributions will be returned. Please review the PAC Pledge Card for acceptable contribution methods.

Do you have additional questions or comments?

Please email NARPM®’s Governmental Affairs Director, Tyler Craddock at