NARPM Membership - National Association of Residential Property Managers

NARPM Membership

Note: While National staff is at the 27th Annual Convention in Atlanta (October 12-16, 2015), we can still accept membership applications, but processing will be delayed. Thank you for your patience.


  • Members must be engaged in the management of residential properties and licensed in those states that require licensing.
  • A NARPM Member may also be an employee of a company, or an employee of a property owner, or an employee of an investor, who handles all aspects of residential property management. These individuals do not have to hold an active real estate license but must follow his/her specific state regulatory licensing law regarding performing the duties of a property management.
  • Members agree to abide by the professional and ethical standards of NARPM®.

Membership Cost

National membership for an individual costs $320 a year, less a $50 new member discount, making the effective dues amount $270—which works out to be less than $22.50 a month. What other organizations do you belong to that are this affordable? A subscription to our news magazine, Residential Resource, is included in the cost of your membership. You’ll start receiving this publication as soon as your application is processed. Take a look at the additional benefits you gain immediately with your NARPM® membership!

How to Join as a NARPM Member

Visit our Apply for Membership page for complete details on how to apply online or by mail. The amount of your full year membership dues must be paid initially. The fee will be prorated in the second year of membership to reflect the partial first year and be due on January 1st. New member packets are mailed out twice per month, following receipt of your completed application, copy of your license (if appropriate) and your dues.

Included in Your New Membership Packet

NARPM® has exceptional educational programs and professional designations. (A number of NARPM® courses even satisfy some states’ requirements for continuing education.)

  • When you join NARPM®, you will automatically receive a certificate for one 3 hour virtual course of your choice. The certificate applies to any 3 hour virtual course taken during your first year of membership. This does not apply to online or in person courses.
  • Access to the NARPM® national member database to use for client referrals.
  • Access to NARPM® logos for use on business cards or websites.
  • Your Membership Certificate
  • NARPM® Lapel Pin
  • Subscription to Residential Resource, our monthly news magazine

Joining a professional organization demonstrates a high level of commitment to your own professional growth and to the field of residential property management. NARPM® is the nation’s only professional organization specifically for those who manage residential properties. NARPM® members are dedicated individuals who have made the decision to augment their knowledge, skills and income by becoming members.

Join now 

“I no longer feel as though I am feeling my way through a dark room. I know that I am part of a great support and networking group. This group is one of the most professional organizations I have even been involved in. The people are sincerely interested in me and my company - and in helping to make it successful.”
Kellie Tollifson, MPM® RMP®
T-Square Real Estate Services, Inc.
Woodinville, WA
Kellie Tollifson, MPM® RMP®
T-Square Real Estate Services, Inc.
Woodinville, WA