DD is an active Rotarian and served in leadership including being president of my local club in 2014-2015 and then as Assistant Governor for my district from 2016-2019. Rotary is an international organization with 2 million members. DD feels she can take what she learned from how they run the organization and apply to NARPM. DD also served as a Mentor for the North Atlanta Venture Program, which is a MIT program for the growth and development of small business entrepreneurship. As a mentor of this program, she mentored small business owners on a regular basis. DD is also on the board for Children’s Haven, which is a non-profit organization servicing DFCS children.
Positions held throughout NARPM: Atlanta Chapter Membership Chair, Programs and Education Co-Chair, Secretary, President-Elect, President, Designations Chair, Southern States Conference Chair
NARPM National: Diversity Task Force Committee Chair, Southeast RVP, and Treasurer