Legislative Scoop: October/November

November 7, 2017 • Residential Resource • October/November 2017 Issue | Volume 28 | Number 10

Written By: Kristi Malcom, RMP®

The former Speaker of the House, the late Tip O’Neill, is famous for stating that, “All politics is local.” In today’s environment, there are many who might challenge that notion, especially within the context of public policy. After all, it seems like with every passing day, the size and scope of the federal government continues to grow. Indeed, as property managers, now more than ever, it is important to be mindful of the many ways that federal laws and regulations affect the day-to-day conduct of your business. To that end, the NARPM Board of Directors, Governmental Affairs Committee, and PAC Trustees, with the support of NARPM Members from across the nation, have all done yeoman’s work to build a strong governmental affairs program at the national level.

As important as cognizance of the federal government is, it is equally important to not lose sight of the importance of vigilance with regard to state and local government. It cannot be stated enough that one of the most important things NARPM Chapters can do is to build and cultivate vigorous governmental affairs programs at the state and local level. To follow are two important reasons why:

Many of the most important issues facing property managers and owners are handled at the state or local level. Bank robber, Willie Sutton, was famously quoted as saying that he robbed banks, “because that’s where the money is.” While the authenticity of that quote is certainly questionable, its poignancy is not. We have  to be involved at these levels because that is where our issues are being decided.

The most important state and local issue affecting NARPM®  Members is landlord-tenant law and all of the potential rules and regulations that flow from that body of law. The day-to-day process property managers follow, and the rights and responsibilities for landlords and tenants, are all embodied in this part of the law, which is the domain of state and local policymakers. In addition to the overall flavor and balance embodied in landlord-tenant law and its importance to the work of NARPM®  Members, there are more focused issues that are also very important. It is from landlord-tenant law that we get issues like rent control and no-fault evictions. Likewise, it is landlord-tenant law that serves as the vehicle for proposals that would regulate items like application fees, late fees, institute rental inspection programs, or require rental registrations.

One of the most important things NARPM® Chapters can do is to build and cultivate vigorous government affairs programs at the state and local level.

Landlord-tenant laws are not the only state and local issues that are important for property managers and owners. Property taxes, for example, which can entail a number of facets that affect NARPM® Members, are entirely a state and local function. Another example is the licensing laws, and other occupational and professional regulatory programs, that property managers encounter, usually in the form of required licensing as  a real estate agent in the state(s) where they conduct business.

Activists who push against property managers and landlords are active at the state and local level. Imagine a proposal for rent control at a local City Council meeting. What do you picture in your mind?

It is most likely a large crowd of tenants assembled  in mob-like fashion like the Parisians at the Bastille, angrily criticizing landlords and calling for regulations that control how much property owners can charge in rent. These types of crowds do not happen by accident. At all levels of government, but particularly at the state and local level, tenants’ rights special interest groups have been working overtime to organize activists in order to present an illusion of popular support for the policies they want. In fact, some observers think that over the next few years, even more focus will be placed on state and local organization, even perhaps, at the expense of activism at the federal level.

If NARPM® Members are not actively engaged in state and local government affairs, then who will be there to make sure that policy makers have accurate information to help ensure that the perspective of property owners and managers is fairly and accurately recognized and presented? The sad answer may very well be that no one is. It has been said that in politics, if you are not at the table, then you are on the menu. No truer words about state and local involvement could be said.

As state and local NARPM®  Chapters build and grow their government affairs programs, please feel free to reach out to the NARPM  Governmental Affairs Committee (Kristi Malcom, RMP®, Chair at govtaffairschair@narpm.org) as well as the staff at NARPM®  National (Tyler Craddock at tcraddock@ narpm.org) with questions you may have.

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Residential Resources: October/November 2017 Issue | Volume 28 | Number 10

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