President’s Message December 2017: Engineered for Your Success

December 1, 2017 • Residential Resource • December 2017 Issue | Volume 28 | Number 11

President's Message

NARPM® is Engineered for Your Continued Success

As I have traveled throughout the country in 2017, I have shared NARPM’s primary goal for this year which is to deliver at least one of our world-class education, designation courses to every Chapter in the country.

This is a goal that evolved from you telling us in the member surveys over the last several years that the number one reason why you don’t take a NARPM Course, or more NARPM Courses, is due to the locations being inconvenient for you to attend.

Thus, this year’s primary goal was born. I am happy to report that, as a result of taking on the challenge to tackle this goal, we have achieved a lot of firsts this year. The year 2017 is the first year to:

In attempting to achieve these firsts, I predicted we would hit some bumps in the road. We stretched ourselves and our resources thin at times to make this happen. A few times, we even broke some systems and processes that weren’t designed to handle this enormous undertaking. I also predicted that we would need many people to step up to help make this goal a reality and that many would answer the toll of the bell. You proved me to be correct.

Although at times it was a bit of a painful process, we developed a stronger NARPM® infrastructure to make this, and similar feats, more easily achievable in the future. There were many of you that came together to make this goal a reality. I want to thank all of you that served in the local Chapter leadership roles, including the education chairs on the Chapter level, the Regional Vice Presidents, and our national staff, just to name a few. I learned, once again, that we can achieve whatever we set our minds to as long as we are committed to working together.

Now that I’ve shared with you a bit about the past, let’s focus on the future…

In September, I served on the Strategic Planning Committee, for what will be my last time. The two-day meeting generated a lot of positive momentum and excitement for the team that participated. You will see very soon how that positive momentum will impact NARPM® in the years to come.

As I took in my final Strategic Planning session, I was looking around at all the leaders and knew that NARPM® will have a rock solid core of leadership for years to come. But it’s important to know that this doesn’t happen magically or by accident. These leaders are encouraged to step up to national leadership roles by YOU! Yeah, YOU! You know who you are. You are the ones that told that person on the local level, “Hey, you would be great serving as our Membership Chair,” or, “I have noticed you have a strong vision for our Chapter, would you be interested in exploring the possibility of running for Chapter President?” or, “They really need you on the National level, let me help you complete your application for Regional Vice President.”

We need you not only to continue to encourage our future leaders to get involved in our organization, but we also need you to participate in the selection process of those leaders. As I “retire” from my position as President, my next role will be to serve as the Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2018. This is the committee that selects our future National leaders. For those of you that are into suspense movies, thrillers and covert military operations, it’s also cool because being involved in this committee is like being in black ops of the military; you work in secrecy and no one knows who you are.

So the next time you see something coming from me, it may be an invitation to submit your application to participate on this committee. I encourage you to consider to do so, because again, without YOUR involvement, none of this works.

Although this will conclude my one-way conversations in this column, I hope I have been able to provide some additional education and motivation for you to get involved and remain an active Member in our organization. I also hope to meet you at the next NARPM or other industry event where our paths may cross. If I do not recognize you, please introduce yourself; I welcome our meeting!

Thank you for your trust and support that allowed me to serve you in the capacity of President of our organization. It has truly been my distinct honor and privilege to serve the best Property Managers on the planet!

Steve Schultz, MPM® RMP®

2017 NARPM® President

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Residential Resources: December 2017 Issue: Volume 28, Number 11

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